Friday, October 30, 2009

Feel Good Friday...Did You Know

Feel Good Friday…Did you know

In this video we are set to thinking…the first commercial text message was sent in 1992, today the number of text messages sent and received everyday exceeds the total population of the planet! The number of honors students in India exceeds the total population of school children in America. Amazing little facts about our modern world and the speed we are now traveling.

This is a fun video that will have you go hmmmmm. And more importantly, asks the question…What does it all mean?

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Feel Good Friday...Happiness

Feel Good Friday…Happiness

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” “Happy”

I mean who wants to be a doctor or a lawyer or an astronaut when you can grow up to be happy? Are you happy? How do you know? Is happiness the absence of sadness, or depression? Or is happiness the filling of the soul with joy and laughter?

Maybe instead of the gross domestic product we should measure the gross domestic happiness? I think that is what they measure in Bhutan. Instead of the arms race we can have the happiness race. Wow, wouldn’t you like to win that race! What if the government was trying to make sure everyone was happy instead of making everyone (rich, poor, the same) what? What is every public policy and every public decision was made in the light of creating happiness for the greatest number of people? Hmmm.

Well here it is…The World Map of Happiness. Go here:

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Feel Good Friday...Unstoppable

Feel Good Friday…Unstoppable

Decades ago a very good man and his girl friend wanted to get married. They were forbidden to do so. For the two of them to marry they would have to break the law…it was illegal at that time for him to wed the love of his life…he is a white man and she is a Mexican, a Latina and the marriage was prohibited by law. More than 40 years later they are still married and the love between them is evident in every look and every word. Earlier this week a Justice of the Peace in Louisiana refused to marry a couple who happened to be black and white. His reasoning…the children of a mixed race marriage are not accepted by either race. And besides most mixed race marriages end in divorce. WHAT!!! Are you freaking kidding me? In 2009 in America this has happened? Our President is bi-racial, his parents got married, and this occurrence is absolutely insane. Let’s face it…too many marriages end in divorce. Too many children are the victims of divorce. What has race got to do with it? If you are not outraged by this you have been taking too many sleeping pills. Wake up; get mad at the injustices in this world today. Get unstoppable about something.

I wonder what Lee Dunham would say about that. Here is the story of one man’s unstoppable dream. He set a course early in life. And kept his eyes on the prize for years and years. And he has changed the lives of thousands of people. What are you dreaming? How can you get unstoppable about it?

A Lifetime of Planning Pays Off
"You gotta be crazy!" That's what Lee Dunham's friends told him back in 1971 when he gave up a secure job as a police officer and invested his life savings in the notoriously risky restaurant business. This particular restaurant was more than just risky, it was downright dangerous. It was the first McDonald's franchise in the city of New York - smack in the middle of crime-ridden Harlem.
Lee had always had plans. When other kids were playing ball in the empty lots of Brooklyn, Lee was playing entrepreneur, collecting milk bottles and returning them to grocery stores for the deposits. He had his own shoeshine stand and worked delivering newspapers and groceries. Early on, he promised his mother that one day she would never again have to wash other people's clothes for a living. He was going to start his own business and support her. "Hush your mouth and do your homework," she told him. She knew that no member of the Dunham family had ever risen above the level of laborer, let alone owned a business. "There's no way you're going to open your own business," his mother told him repeatedly.
Years passed, but Lee's penchant for dreaming and planning did not. After high school, he joined the Air Force, where his goal of one day owning a family restaurant began to take shape. He enrolled in the Air Force food service school and became such an accomplished cook he was promoted to the officers' dining hall.
When he left the Air Force, he worked for four years in several restaurants, including one in the famed Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. Lee longed to start his own restaurant but felt he lacked the business skills to be successful. He signed up for business school and took classes at night while he applied and was hired to be a police officer.
For fifteen years he worked full-time as a police officer. In his off-hours, he worked part-time as a carpenter and continued to attend business school. "I saved every penny I earned as a police officer," he recalled. "For ten years, I didn't spend one dime - there were no movies, no vacations, no trips to the ballpark. There were only work and study and my lifelong dream of owning my own business." By 1971, Lee had saved $42,000, and it was time for him to make his vision a reality.
Lee wanted to open an upscale restaurant in Brooklyn. With a business plan in hand, he set out to seek financing. The banks refused him. Unable to get funding to open an independent restaurant, Lee turned to franchising and filled out numerous applications. McDonald's offered him a franchise, with one stipulation: Lee had to set up a McDonald's in the inner-city, the first to be located there. McDonald's wanted to find out if its type of fast-food restaurant could be successful in the inner city. It seemed that Lee might be the right person to operate that first restaurant.
To get the franchise, Lee would have to invest his life savings and borrow $150,000 more. Everything for which he'd worked and sacrificed all those years would be on the line - a very thin line if he believed his friends. Lee spent many sleepless nights before making his decision. In the end, he put his faith in the years of preparation he'd invested - the dreaming, planning, studying and saving - and signed on the dotted line to operate the first inner-city McDonald's in the United States.
The first few months were a disaster. Gang fights, gunfire, and other violent incidents plagued his restaurant and scared customers away. Inside, employees stole his food and cash, and his safe was broken into routinely. To make matters worse, Lee couldn't get any help from McDonald's headquarters; the company's representatives were too afraid to venture into the ghetto. Lee was on his own.
Although he had been robbed of his merchandise, his profits, and his confidence, Lee was not going to be robbed of his dream. Lee fell back on what he had always believed in - preparation and planning.
Lee put together a strategy. First, he sent a strong message to the neighborhood thugs that McDonald's wasn't going to be their turf. To make his ultimatum stick, he needed to offer an alternative to crime and violence. In the eyes of those kids, Lee saw the same look of helplessness he had seen in his own family. He knew that there was hope and opportunity in that neighborhood and he was going to prove it to the kids. He decided to serve more than meals to his community - he would serve solutions.
Lee spoke openly with gang members, challenging them to rebuild their lives. Then he did what some might say was unthinkable: he hired gang members and put them to work. He tightened up his operation and conducted spot checks on cashiers to weed out thieves. Lee improved working conditions and once a week he offered his employees classes in customer service and management. He encouraged them to develop personal and professional goals. He always stressed two things: his restaurant offered a way out of a dead-end life and the faster and more efficiently the employees served the customers, the more lucrative that way would be.
In the community, Lee sponsored athletic teams and scholarships to get kids off the streets and into community centers and schools. The New York inner-city restaurant became McDonald's most profitable franchise worldwide, earning more than $1.5 million a year. Company representatives who wouldn't set foot in Harlem months earlier now flocked to Lee's doors, eager to learn how he did it. To Lee, the answer was simple: "Serve the customers, the employees, and the community."
Today, Lee Dunham owns nine restaurants, employs 435 people, and serves thousands of meals every day. It's been many years since his mother had to take in wash to pay the bills. More importantly, Lee paved the way for thousands of African-American entrepreneurs who are working to make their dreams a reality, helping their communities, and serving up hope.
All this was possible because a little boy understood the need to dream, to plan, and to prepare for the future. In doing so, he changed his life and the lives of others.
Cynthia Kersey
Excerpted/Adapted from Unstoppable
Copyright 1988 by Cynthia Kersey,

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Feel Good Friday…One Degree

212 the movie is a short piece about the difference one degree can make. At 211 degrees water is hot. At 212 degrees water boils. And with boiling water comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. With this opening 212 the movie sets us on a path of realization that our lives are really about the difference between being hot and being boiling. Between average, good and great. It is often said that good is the biggest enemy of great. All too often we settle for good enough. And let greatness slip through our fingers.

What are you doing right now that is that one degree? In order to get what you have never gotten you must do what you have never done. Infuse your goals with passion and a single minded focus and you will be surprised what you can accomplish.

Here is the movie:

Let’s make some steam!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Feel Good Friday...Sit down

Feel Good Friday….Sit down

I got this video from a good friend the other day (Thanks John). Jack Rushton is an amazing man. And very funny too. Just imagine what you could do with this attitude and all the physical attributes and things you already possess. It isn’t what happens to you that matters, it is what you do with what happens to you that matters. What are doing with it now?
Go here:

9 minutes well spent…if you don’t laugh you get double your money back!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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