Friday, December 31, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Wake Up Everybody

Feel Good Friday…Wake Up Everybody

This seems to be an appropriate video to end the year on…
Wake up Everybody.
Wake up from your dream state. Wake up from doing the same ole, same ole and getting the same ole same ole. Wake up from the matrix…unplug and get real.
What will 2011 bring for you…what will 2011 be for you? Are you willing to change the world? By changing yourself?
Enjoy your New Year’s Eve…and your New Year!
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Be Selfish, Be Generous

Feel Good Friday…Be Selfish Be Generous

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” HH the 14th Dalai Lama
Doing kind things, paying it forward, good karma, what ever you want to call it, however you want to characterize it there is power in kindness. The power is yours and for you. In doing for others we are actually doing for ourselves. This is the key to kindness. This short video brings this concept to the fore.
Enjoy it at:

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Making Music

Feel Good Friday…Makin Music

I had no idea this was even possible. I am not a techno-phobe and I knew there were some pretty amazing things that the i-phone could do but this is off the chart cool.
4 guys in a band get their instruments stolen and then create music riding the New York City Subway using their i-phones. Amazing. Simply Amazing.
Enjoy it here:

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Poverty, Love, and Money

Feel Good Friday…Poverty, Love, and Money

150 Million Dollars is a lot of money. And it is the amount of money distributed in their 5th year. 150 million dollars distributed and raised in $25.00 and $50.00 increments. $150 million dollars spread to entrepreneurs around the world.

This is one way to stop poverty. This is one way, maybe not the only way but one way. Let’s be honest, tossing a few coins in a jar has not worked. Government giveaways have not worked. Faith based giveaways have not worked. Poverty still exists and is worse in many places.

Here, the founder of talks about poverty, love and money. It’s long but worth every second. Go here:

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Feel Good Friday...One Small Act

Feel Good Friday…One Small Act

We never know when the one small act we do will transform a life or the world. And really if you think about it doesn’t every act of kindness shift the world in some small way? In this video, which is actually a trailer for a movie of the same name, we see where a small act of kindness ripples across continents and begins a shift that will change the world.
Over the years I have wanted to change the world into a kinder, gentler, more conscious and compassionate place. But that was just too big of a project (it seemed). So I started with myself. And, voila, the world changed. And then the people around me changed and before I knew it the world began to appear as I wanted to see it.
Go here:

“My religion is simple. It is kindness.” HH The 14th Dalai Lama

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Plastic Bag Parody

Feel Good Friday…Plastic Bag Parody

OK…I thought this was pretty entertaining and a good way to get us to start thinking about single use plastic bags. Really we should be thinking this way about single use plastic anythings…bottles especially. I just saw a picture this morning of a dolphin with a plastic grocery bag attached to a fin. Very uncool. Any thing you do to cut down on the use of these things would be a huge step in the right direction. I save all my plastic bags especially the zip-locs…you would be surprised at how long they last! I wash them and reuse over and over again. I know it’s a bit eccentric but I don’t mind, really I don’t!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Poverty

Feel Good Friday…Poverty

Not sure how you will feel about this video but I am pretty sure you will feel something. Poverty is everywhere in our world. The causes are myriad and the solution has escaped us for most of history. I guess the real question is what are you doing about it? Because throwing money at it hasn’t worked yet.
Some of the links on this page are quite interesting as well. Go here now:

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Acts of Kindness

Feel Good Friday…Acts of Kindness

Tomorrow, November 13th is world kindness day. I didn’t know that. Maybe you didn’t either. The following video is an exploration of what it means to be kind. Beautiful pictures and a lovely song from Enya create a beautiful video exploration. Here at Relentless Martial Arts we require 15 acts of kindness for each belt level for every test and 300 for black belt candidates. This is an important part of understanding your place in the world and how you can be part of something even larger than yourself.
For myself, I side with the Dalai Lama, who is quoted as saying…”My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”

Go here to watch:

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Wisdom Project

Feel Good Friday…Wisdom Project

The Wisdom Project was inspired by the idea that one of the greatest gifts one generation can pass to another is the wisdom it has gained from experience. The project seeks to create a record of what wisdom means to a multicultural group of people who have all made their mark on the world.

What does wisdom mean to you? Not intelligence, not common sense but wisdom. For me, wisdom is knowing when to not speak. It isn’t so much as knowing what to say as it is knowing when to say it. Wisdom is a patient smile that knows the lessons that need to unfold for real learning to take place.

Enjoy the video here:

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Girl Effect

Feel Good Friday…The Girl Effect

There are 600 million adolescent girls across the globe. Too many of them live in poverty and if things don’t change the cycle of poverty will continue on to the next generation and the next and the next.
This video explains some of that:
The page has a couple links that you can visit that will give you even more information about what they are up to in order to shift this paradigm. There are other organization that are doing similar things…Heifer International comes to mind. Heifer provides domesticated animals to families (mostly women) to help lift them out the cycle of poverty. There are many ways to help end poverty and most of them don’t have much to do with throwing money at the problem! Money doesn’t empower people, education does.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Feel Good Friday...My Own Two Hands

Feel Good Friday…My Own Two Hands

"I can change the world with my own two hands. Make a better place with my own two hands. Make a kinder place with my own two hands."

There really is no other way to change things other than with your own two hands. You are the only one who can do it. And when you begin it becomes that much easier for the next person to do it. If you want to change the world start today, right where you are with yourself.
Musician Ben Harper reminds us of how powerful we can be. Watch and dance to his video to get you in the groove to make the world a better place with YOUR own two hands.
Here it is:
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Feel Good Friday...This Kid Gets It

Feel Good Friday…This Kid Gets it!

Sometimes somebody just nails it square. I mean calls it exactly like it is. In this video an 11 year old young man, Birke Baehr, nails what’s wrong with our food system. Watch the video here:

I could expound on this subject for quite a while and I think I probably will very shortly. In the meantime remember…you are what you eat and you are what the food you are eating eats. This includes plants, animals and everything in between.

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Train Kids

Feel Good Friday…Train Kids

Thailand has over 10,000 homeless children. Here is the story of someone who is doing something about it:

One man started a “Library Train” to teach and help these children out of poverty. Now it has become a collective effort to help. Sometimes you have to see a need and fill it…just because if you don’t do it, no one else will.

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Insight Prison Project

Feel Good Friday…Insight Prison Project

In America 1 in 100 people are incarcerated. That is a lot of people. 80% of those people are going to get out of prison. If they continue to do what they have done in the past most of them will go back to prison. Sending people to prison is expensive no matter how you add it up…cost of housing, cost of the trial, coat to the victim, cost of loss to their community. And we can’t let crime happen. That cost is way too unacceptable. Obviously the best thing is to do the work before they do the crime. But after the time what do we do before we send them back out to make their way in the world? Here is a program at San Quentin that seems to be doing something right:

Maybe there is hope that we can stem the tide. Now if we could spend more money on prevention than we do on punishment we could really make some progress!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Turf Dancing

Feel Good Friday…Turf Dancing

What if we could solve all our confrontations with dancing? Just imagine…instead of fists or guns, or bombs or bullets we would all agree to solve our disputes by turf dancing. This innovative and expressive form of dance incorporates many disciplines of dance...hip hop, ballet, break, popping, and more. Dance as an alternative to violence…creativity and skill versus guns and fists…what a concept! Over in Oakland California they are promoting turf dancing as a way to solve some of the disputes that arise. The video shows some amazing dance moves…enjoy it here:

Dance like no one is watching…

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Wonder Capes

Feel Good Friday…Wonder Capes

Cancer in children is just wrong. The treatment is horrible and when I see these small bodies ravaged by diseases like this my heart breaks. Here is a lady who is doing something to put some joy back into the lives of these kids:

At the end of the video is a link to an organization where you can help. Or do something locally for someone you know who is suffering…and it doesn’t have to b a child either. Anything we can do for someone else is a kindness. You will be richly rewarded in ways yet to be discovered.
Be a superhero!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Change from Within

Feel Good Friday…Change from Within

The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is still being felt throughout New Orleans. And now the BP oil spill is creating another set of problems. Here are three stories of people who are doing something to help. Where does your community need help? And what can you do? Like Nike says…Just Do It!

Go here:

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Words of Love

Feel Good Friday…Words of Love

Mother Theresa reached beyond herself, devoting herself to the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. As the world celebrates the 100th anniversary of her birth here is a video of some of her inspiring words:
Her motto was “love until it hurts”. As a friend of mine is fond of quoting “Mother Theresa once said that God trusts us to handle what He gives us. I just wish he didn’t trust me quite so much!”

Enjoy this inspiring message.

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Brrrr

Feel Good Friday...Brrrr
The water is 29 degrees, 3 freezing. It is black. The altitude is 15,000 feet and then some. You are going swimming in your speedo. What???? Really!!!
This man, Lewis Pugh, swam across a lake in the shadow of Mt. Everest. Unimaginable. But that is not
real lesson. The real lesson is something else entirely. And it is all about your mind and your commitment.
See the video here:
How about you? Can you commit like this? And then can you shift your thinking and remain committed? As I just heard recently...if you don't like change, if you can't embrace change, you are really going to hate extinction.
"Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation"
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Dollar Difference

Feel Good Friday…The Dollar Difference

How much difference would a dollar make in your life? For many people around us it would be very little. Yet for millions of people around the globe the difference a dollar can make is huge. The man in this video:
has a vision of teaching people how to get out of poverty through their own efforts. This, by the way, is pretty much the only way any one gets out poverty. His efforts have affected 2 million people and created over 6 million dollars in income. Pretty amazing, expecially when you consider this man grew up barely able to eat. Check it out and start thinking of ways you can help teach people how to fish!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Natural Beauty

Feel Good Friday…Natural Beauty

Here is a video produced by a band called Stomacher. They used over 20,000 pictures from around the world to create a collage of beauty. And the music isn’t bad either. This is titled: Untitled/Dark Divider. Take about 4 minutes out of your day and enjoy! See it here:
or here:

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Story of Cosmetics

Feel Good Friday…The Story of Cosmetics

You may have seen the short video the story of stuff. Here is another from the same folks but this one is all about cosmetics and personal care products. The average woman in America uses 12 personal care products a day, the men use 6. Every give much thought to what is actually in those things? I never did until recently. It is a natural outgrowth of our desire for organic food and clean water. The stuff I put on my hair and skin goes into my system just like food does. As a matter of fact, the skin is the largest organ in the body. It only makes sense to look a little closer at the goop we are using on that organ. See the video here:

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Khan's Academy

Feel Good Friday...Khan's Academy

I don't know about you but there were certain parts of math I never got. Geometry and I never really meshed. Apparently I am spatially challenged. It is nice to know that I am not the only one! Here is the guy I really needed all those years ago:

Now in short (less than 10 minutes) videos, Salman Khan breaks down various subjects from physics to math, history to finance. Apparently about 10 minutes is all we can really pay attention and you tube is a perfect conveyance for the lessons. He has posted over 1400 videos on a huge number of subjects from the simple (addition) to the complex (credit derivative swaps). This is a huge help for the educational system.

Maybe I can go back and relearn the missing geometry lessons!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Miracle is You

Feel Good Friday…The Miracle is You

We rarely give much thought to the amazing bodies we live in. Every day you re-generate, rejuvenate some 300 billion cells in your body. Every day. Your bloods travels 60,000 miles on its trip around your circulatory system, your stomach and intestinal tract process raw material and turn it into energy, and your brain, well, simply amazing. Your eyes process more information than the best telescope can and who knows how big the computer would have to be to do what your brain does every day. You can heal broken bones, grow new skin and create new life. You are an amazing miracle.
And as amazing as it is it really does need some maintenance every day…just like your car needs tires and an oil change, your body needs good fuel, exercise and rest. Take care of it!
Here is the link to a really cool video about your body!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Happy Birthday

Feel Good Friday…Happy Birthday

Every once in a while I see one of the videos and get really moved. This 2 and ½ minute piece moved me, probably because the recipient was moved and surprised. Your birthday is a special day every year because you are special. So get out there and do the “it’s your birthday dance” dance! Or maybe do it for someone else…And Happy Birthday to all of my Cancer friends…Love you all!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Power of Education

Feel Good Friday…The Power of Education

In many parts of the world, education is so valued that families will sacrifice almost anything to get just one of their children through school. There is no substitute for education, the ability to learn, to read and to articulate are invaluable in making your way in the world. Here is a woman who risks her life everyday to educate other women and children. In some parts of the world education for certain segments of the population is still banned. These practices must be stopped. The way to peace is through education. Maybe we should be using books instead of bombs. Here is the link to Sakena Yacoobi and the Afghan institute of Learning:

And remember it is never too late to educate yourself!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Heart,Soul, and Mind

Feel Good Friday…Heart, Soul, and Mind
No Legs, No arms but he has a heart, a soul and a mind. And a drive to fish. Here is the story of Clay Dyer, a professional bass fisherman with no arms, no legs but with some thing the rest of us would dearly love to have…focus, courage, and desire.

Check him out here:

Feel good, it’s Friday!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Feel Good Friday...One Talented Chef, One Million Mouths to Feed

Feel Good Friday…One Talented Chef, One Million Mouths to Feed

Every 3.6 seconds another human dies from hunger. You can do something about it. You can volunteer at the local food bank. You can go see Chris at the Spread Peace Café and see what he has done. You can work in a community garden. You can make sandwiches and distribute them. There homeless and hungry people where you live. Right now, right under your bridge or underpass. Stop looking away and start connecting.

Here’s a man who saw and did:
There is a link to his non-profit organization on that page. If you are in Reno or the surrounding area check out
And here in Fernley call me at 575-6077 to see what you can do for the community garden! This year we hope to give away 1000 pounds of produce!!!

Just Do It!
“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Love is all you Need

Feel Good Friday…Love is all you Need

Here is a cute little video that reminds us of the simplicity of life. Just love. That’s it Love. Give Love.
What you give is what you are going to get so be careful what you are giving out!

Here is the video:

It’s Friday. Feel Good.

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Future of Education

Feel Good Friday…The Future of Education

Education…I think we can all agree that we need it. The problem is we don’t necessarily agree what that education should look like. I came up in a system that rewarded the memorization of facts and events. I also was fortunate enough to learn how to learn. And this may be the most important thing...the ability to think, and reason, to extrapolate information and draw a new seemingly unconnected conclusion. On top of that we should add the ability to get along, the social intelligence needed to turn our intellect to good use for the greater good.

In the following video Sir Ken Robinson offers a very interesting solution for the future of education. Let’s face it…should we be teaching compliance or creativity, times tables or time management, historical events or historical interpretation? See it here:

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Feel Good Friday…The Power of Virtual Connection

A few years ago Bobby McFerrin created a cd called Circle Songs. He took members of an audience and brought them on stage and had them make a particular sound or sing a phrase or note. He created songs out of seemingly disconnected noise. Celebrated composer and conductor, Eric Whitacre, has taken the concept into the virtual social media world. Using his original composition, Lux Aurumque, he had over 185 people submit videos of them singing one part of the song (soprano, alto, tenor or bass). Then he connected it all up. The ordinary individual performances became an extraordinary virtual choir. See it here:

We have the ability to connect more and in more different and interesting ways. Ways we can create our own tribes glued together by mutual interest and shared experience. What’s your tribe?

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Feel Good Friday...How do you want to be remembered?

Feel Good Friday…How do you want to be remembered?

Here is a great little movie that poses the question “How do you want to be remembered?” And poses a possible answer. It is surprisingly simple but I will let you watch it for yourself. See it here:

Have a great day. Let your mother know you care everyday but especially on Sunday!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Water, water, everywhere

Feel Good Friday…Water, water, everywhere

Many of you have seen the short video called “The Story of Stuff”. This little video is about bottled water. Go here to see it:
And it is correct. The cost of bottled water is amazing and I am not talking about the price of a bottle of water. The true cost is hidden in production and waste. We really need to change our ways around this issue. Start today with just one bottle won’t you?

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Gift of Health

Feel Good Friday…The Gift of Health

The Karma Clinic is in Oakland California. It provides health care as a gift to anyone who wants it. Both conventional and alternative healers are providing the gift of care and healing of body, mind and spirit. This is Radical Trust in action. What an amazing concept. Each person is given the opportunity to pay forward for the next person. See the inspiring video here:

Recently we have seen restaurants that are running under the same concept. People are fed as a gift. You pay what you can. Radical Trust in action.
Where else will this start occurring? How can we implement this more often in our own lives and businesses? In “Linchpin” by Seth Godin he talks about the gift of your art. That for art to be art it must be a gift. Everything you do is art. Everything I do is art. Gift it.

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Haiti, Shoes, and More

Feel Good Friday…Haiti, Shoes and more

It has been 2 months since a earthquake devastated Haiti. Thousands died, tens of thousands are homeless and displaced. The devastation is hard to imagine but it is even harder to imagine trying to live without running water, proper sanitation, a normal food distribution network, or a community support system. Look around you right now and imagine not having any of the things you are looking at…a home, or a job, a car, running water, an icebox full of food, clothes, and toilet and on and on. Get up with the clothes on your back and pretend that is all you have for the next 7 days. Pretty hard to get a grip on, right? Now imagine it was over 60 days…impossible to get my mind around. Here is a video of some young Canadian artists doing something:

Here, in Fernley, we are collecting shoes right now to send to Haiti and Chile. Bring your shoes to 198 E. Main St. #9 and drop them in front…you can’t miss all the shoes sitting out in front of the building! Or donate to Soles for Souls...every $5.00 donation will get 2 new pairs of shoes to an impoverished person in the world. Go to and check it out!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Random Acts of Kindness

Feel Good Friday…Random Acts of Kindness

Many of us feel that we are kind people, that we do kind things. The students at Kansa State University have taken it to new heights.
See the video here:

We have a “kindness stripe” requirement here at Relentless Martial Arts. Each student is required to perform a specified number of acts of kindness before they are eligible for their next belt. Kindness is a gift that benefits the giver as well as the recipient. When I do something kind I feel better, more connected to that person and the world. Connection to each other is a common human need. Kindness connects us. What can you do to connect today?

Have a kind day!
“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Lentil as Anything

Feel Good Friday…Lentil as Anything

I have heard of “pay it forward” restaurants before but I have never been to one. Here is one in Australia called Lentil as anything who is not only doing restaurants but also a school canteen where the kids pay what they can pay. The “owner” has no assets but the millions of dollars in good will from thousands of customers. He thinks he has enough!
See the video here:

Enjoy your weekend!
“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Don't Worry, Be Happy

Feel Good Friday…Don’t Worry Be Happy

Many of you remember the Bobby McFerrin hit song “Don’t Worry Be Happy”. Mr. McFerrin has won 10 Grammy awards and has produced music all across the spectrum from pop to jazz to classical. His 1988 hit was inspired by an Indian mystic, Meher Baba, whose face is associated on posters with the philosophy…”Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” Here is a video inspired by the song:

This simple life instruction is a watch word for all of any times.
“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Principal's Office

Feel Good Friday…The Principal’s Office

Throughout my years of schooling I cannot remember one principal’s name. I went to at least 6 different schools and I cannot recall even one name of the person who was in charge of the school. This video:
will introduce you to a principal whose name his charges will not forget. At his first job, in a Jr. High renowned for its poor performance, violence and drug activities, this man made all the difference in the world. The school is an A+ school today. Children are not only learning their “3 rs” but are learning what it takes to be good responsible citizens as well. This is one principal’s office I wouldn’t mind sitting in!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Feel Good Friday...What Madoff couldn't Steal

Feel Good Friday…What Madoff Couldn’t Steal

Imagine you are on vacation…In Antartica( I know it wouldn’t be my first choice either). Penguins, Ice, Cold, really really cold, Icebergs, and more Icebergs but the ship has a satellite phone (only about $10.00 per minute) and you get a call. It’s your spouse telling you the man who you gave your entire life savings to has been arrested for perpetrating the largest financial fraud in history. Your money is gone. Completely gone…down to zero, sip nada, gone. What are you going to do?

This really happened. Get his story here (it’s pretty funny):

Remember…You are not your money.
You are not your house.
You are not your FICO score.
You are a child of the divine.
Your presence makes a difference in the world.

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Powerful Beyond Measure

Feel Good Friday…Powerful beyond Measure

Whatever you think about Tony Robbins, you have to admit that he has had a tremendous impact on millions of people’s lives. His story is interesting, his books thought provoking and his seminars/workshops can be mind blowing. He just turned 50 years old and I got this video from him in celebration of his birthday:

It is a great little mash up reminding us of how powerful we really are. You need to begin to believe this. Until you believe it you can’t achieve it! Watch this several times and get your head around the fact:
You are Powerful beyond belief, beyond compare. Embrace it, Love it, Be it.

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Education is a Privilege

Feel Good Friday…Education is a Privilege?

In this country we take for granted the opportunity each child has for education. Many children loathe school. Many of them go out of their way to avoid the work and do things to disrupt the experience of everyone else. In most parts of the world education is a privilege not a right, not a requirement. Here is a young man doing his best to educate the children around him. He has no government mandate, no credentials and no budget. He has a willingness to teach, pupils eager to learn and no need for anything more than that.

Education will change poverty. Education will change fundamentalism. Education will do more to eradicate the problems of the world than money, food, or intentions.

See Baba Ali’s story here:

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Water for Everyone

Feel Good Friday….Water for Everyone

You and I are mostly water. The planet is mostly water. Without water we will die in about 3 days. Right now 3.5 billion people on the planet are suffering due to lack of adequate, safe drinking water. Every day thousands of children die from water borne illnesses.

The problem is fixable. Michael Pritchard, an engineer from England, has developed a fix. He has created a simple and portable water filtration device that could change our entire infrastructure around water. The video is here:

Many of us complain about our tap water. Guess what? Here in America, almost everywhere in America, the water that comes out of your tap is safe to drink. It does not contain parasites, bacteria and viruses that will cause you to sicken and maybe die. You do not have to travel for miles every day to a clean water source to provide water for your family. Yet many of us spend huge amounts of money every week buying water in single serving plastic bottles…which create quite another problem, by the way. But that is another story!

Until next time…

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Surfice Dog Ricochet

Feel Good Friday…Surfice Dog Ricochet

Rather than focus on what you can’t do, focus on what you can do.

Ricochet was born, bred, and trained to be a service dog for someone with disabilities. She was also a golden retriever bird dog, with the emphasis on “bird”. She just couldn’t get the bird out of her system and get on with the service part. Here is a story of discovering what your gifts, skills and talents can be used for…even if it wasn’t what people thought they were going to be used for.
Go here:
Who would have thought…

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Growing Your Own Food is Freedom

Feel Good Friday…Growing your Own Food is Freedom

Last year we planted a community garden in my backyard. My summer camp kids worked in it, many of my Martial Arts students and teachers worked in it as did their families. The kids were amazed that you could pick and eat your own food! We put up over 50 quarts of pickles, produced about 10 pounds of honey and GAVE AWAY OVER 500 POUNDS OF PRODUCE TO THE LOCAL FOOD BANK. This year we will be better organized and better planned to produce even more. You can be part of it. You can do it in your own backyard.
Here is a video of a family in Pasadena CA who, on 1/10 of an acre (110’x60’) grew 6000 pounds of food. That is 3 tons! Truly amazing. Go here for 10 minutes:
For more on their story go here:
If you want to be part of the community garden this year let me know. If you want to start your own I will help in any way I can. Plant something edible this year.

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Feel Good Friday..;.Rhythym not Blues

Feel Good Friday…Rhythm not Blues

I love drums. I love the feeling I get in my chest when they boom, the feeling in the soles of my feet when the rhythm is just right and the feeling in my soul when the divine expresses in the drum. It is primal and ethereal at the same time.

Astonishing percussionist Sivamani finds rhythm in everything. Here is 16 minutes of exhilaration and joy:
By the way you owe it to yourself to check out TED once in a while. Go to and explore!
“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Feel good Friday...Born to Help

Feel Good Friday…Born to Help

If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day. --Alex Noble

In light of the disaster in Haiti we see an outpouring of empathy and help going to those less fortunate than us. It turns out this may be a biological imperative; that we humans are, in fact, born to be helpful and cooperative. What a revelation…we weren’t made to make money, or compete, or kill. We were made to cooperate, to help one another and ensure that all of us lead healthy and successful lives.

Here is a link to the New York Times article that explains the science behind this discovery:
and a video of a school in Japan where the teaching is how to be happy:

Enjoy…Feel Good…do something for someone!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Feel Good Friday...I Believe

Feel Good Friday…I Believe

I received this recently and thought I would share it with all of you…

I BELIEVE... A Birth Certificate shows that we were born. A Death Certificate shows that we died. Pictures show that we lived! Have a seat . . . Relax … And read this slowly...
I Believe.... That just because two people argue, that doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, that doesn't mean they do love each other.
I Believe... That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I Believe... That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
I Believe... That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I Believe... That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I Believe... That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
I Believe... That it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
I Believe... That you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I Believe... That you can keep going long after you think you can't.
I Believe... That we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
I Believe... That either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I Believe... That heroes are the people who do what has to be done, when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
I Believe... That money is a lousy way of keeping score.
I Believe.... That my best friend and I can do anything, or nothing, and have the best time.
I Believe... That sometimes the people you expect to kick you, when you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.
I Believe... That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had, and what you've learned from them... and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I Believe... That it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.. Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I Believe... That no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
I Believe... That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I Believe... That you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
I Believe.... Two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
I Believe... That your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.
I Believe... That even when you think you have no more to give, if a friend cries out to you.. you will find the strength to help.
I Believe... That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
I Believe.... That the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon..
I Believe.... That you should send this to all of the people that you believe in. I just did. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of everything!
“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, January 1, 2010

Feel Good friday...Never Too Young to make a Difference

Feel Good Friday….Never too Young to Make a Difference

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.”
--Anita Koddick
A young man, Jonathan Slack aged 7, sees a homeless woman and organizes a drive to help. He gets enough food and toys donated to fill 4 trucks. Read his story here:
How many times do we see another human in poor straits and just shake our heads and move on. Granted we can’t save everyone but sometime we can do something that will make a difference. It could be as little as a kind word and some human connection. It could be much much bigger. It is really up to you. What will you do this year to make your corner of the world a little more pleasant, a little kinder, and a little friendlier? Check out soles 4 souls at , go to your local food bank or volunteer, or work in a community garden. Just do something!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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