Friday, June 26, 2009

Feel Good Friday #9

Feel Good Friday #9
The Man in the Mirror
The link below will lead you to Karma Tube and a video using the Michael Jackson song, “Man in the Mirror”. The point is (in my mind) that change starts with the man in the mirror. That is you and me. When we change we change the world. What can you do today alter your thinking? And your doing? And maybe even your being? Enjoy.

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Feel Good Friday #8

Feel Good Friday #8
I am a huge proponent of simplicity. Simple does not mean lack. Wouldn’t you rather have a really nice 1000 sq. foot house filled with things you love and value rather than a 4000 sq. ft house that someone else decorated? A slightly used car you love or one the neighbors expect you to drive? In the article and the link that follows are some tips on how to “make it with less, share more, and put people and the planet first. Let’s build a secure, sustainable economy beginning at home and in your community…”
Here is the email from Daily Good…
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction. --E. F. Schumacher
Fact of the Day:
YES Magazine shares a list of 31 ways to jumpstart your local economy, make it with less, share more, and put people and the planet first. Ideas are categorized by 'at home', 'with friends' and 'in your community': Rent out a room in your home; Shorten the supply chain; Dip your toe in the barter economy; Pool funds with a group of friends for home repairs, greening projects, or emergencies; Use publicly owned lands for community gardens, farmers markets, business incubators, community land trusts (with affordable housing), community-rooted grocery stores. Full article follows:
Submitted by: Adam Clark
Be The Change:
Try out one or more of the 31 ideas in your own life.
“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Feel Good Friday #7

Today I am reminded of the “starfish” story…While walking near the beach one day I spotted a man throwing something in the ocean. He would bend down, pick something up and throw it into the sea. Take a step, bend down, pick it up and throw it. Time and time again. I decided to walk over and see what it was he was throwing into the sea…rocks, shells or? As I neared the shore I saw the beach littered with thousands of starfish. They had all been washed up by the tide recently and are now dying on the beach. This guy is walking along and picking them up and throwing them back to the sea. An impossible task as there are literally thousands of starfish on this beach. I approached him and asked, “Why are you doing this? There is no way you can save all these starfish!” He paused as he threw another one to the ocean and simply said, “saved that one.” I stood for a moment stunned. And then I bent down, picked up a starfish and threw it to the sea.

We never completely know how our action will affect the world and the people around us. I may not be able to save the world but I can make a difference in my little part of it. If I can affect one person the ripple effect is enormous.

The video below is an example of one person making a difference. Be inspired.

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Feel Good Friday #6

Feel Good Friday #6

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead (1901 - 1978)

A number of us have engaged in community clean-ups, beach clean-ups, desert clean ups over the years.

Here is what may be the largest project of that kind. Estonia did in ONE DAY what it would have taken the government 3 years and 22 million Euros to do. 50,000 people picked up 10,000 tons of trash!! They cleaned up an entire country…a small group of thoughtful committed citizens…see it here:


“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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