Friday, August 28, 2009

Feel Good Friday...Songs for Your Soul

Feel Good Friday...Songs for Your Soul

I played music in school…Trombone to be exact…all through school, even in college a bit. I have music playing almost all the time. Music has been critical to so many memories and just informs my life in many ways. If I would not have had the opportunity to learn to play, my life would be poorer right now. Music opened my brain up in so many ways. The dedication to practice, working together with a group united toward a common goal, creating a something new and beautiful all provided opportunities for learning things not afforded by reading, writing, and arithmetic. We need music and other arts in our schools. Education should be about how to learn, about garnering the ability to reason and deduce, about making choices that affect you, about personal power and empowerment. Music provides so much more than just the notes on a page…

Enjoy this video, I did…

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Feel Good Friday...The City that Ended Hunger

Feel Good Friday…The City that Ended Hunger

It has been said that there is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone in it. The problem is with the distribution. And democracy. There is a scarcity of democracy that creates food shortages for people in places where there is plenty of food to go around. The link below will take you to an article about a city that declared an end to hunger. That one of the rights of citizenship is the right to eat. The article was written by Frances Moore Lappe’ who also wrote “A Diet for a Small Planet”. The city has over 2.5 million residents and used to have 20& of its children going hungry every day. Innovative programs cost the city less than 2% of its budget and manges to get the people fed. Isn’t it about time our own governments start taking care of citizens instead of perpetuating their own existence? Check it out here:

And then improve your vocabulary and donate rice at the same time by playing Free Rice at:

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Blog Spots…John Mariotti

Friday, August 14, 2009

Feel Good Friday #16

Feel Good Friday #16


We all want it. We all need it. Crave it, some of us. In this short film about free parking we learn a lesson about validation and how little it takes and how much it means. 15 minutes out of your day…guaranteed to create a smile on your face or double your money back! Go here now:

Feel Good Friday…
“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

Follow me at:
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Blog Spots…John Mariotti

Friday, August 7, 2009

Feel Good Friday #15

Feel Good Friday #15

Over the years our view of those around us who are “differently abled” has shifted drastically. Although in many parts of the world people with disabilities are considered outside society and shunned, we are somewhat more enlightened in this country. Not completely, mind you but somewhat more. Here is an example of a young man who re-defines differently abled. Balance and flexibility and a certain fearlessness pervades this video. Check it out at:

And while you are there click on the link to the dad who runs marathons and more with his adult son. The story of the Hoyts is an amazing one as well. Be inspired!

Feeling Good on Friday!!!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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