Friday, February 26, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Education is a Privilege

Feel Good Friday…Education is a Privilege?

In this country we take for granted the opportunity each child has for education. Many children loathe school. Many of them go out of their way to avoid the work and do things to disrupt the experience of everyone else. In most parts of the world education is a privilege not a right, not a requirement. Here is a young man doing his best to educate the children around him. He has no government mandate, no credentials and no budget. He has a willingness to teach, pupils eager to learn and no need for anything more than that.

Education will change poverty. Education will change fundamentalism. Education will do more to eradicate the problems of the world than money, food, or intentions.

See Baba Ali’s story here:

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Water for Everyone

Feel Good Friday….Water for Everyone

You and I are mostly water. The planet is mostly water. Without water we will die in about 3 days. Right now 3.5 billion people on the planet are suffering due to lack of adequate, safe drinking water. Every day thousands of children die from water borne illnesses.

The problem is fixable. Michael Pritchard, an engineer from England, has developed a fix. He has created a simple and portable water filtration device that could change our entire infrastructure around water. The video is here:

Many of us complain about our tap water. Guess what? Here in America, almost everywhere in America, the water that comes out of your tap is safe to drink. It does not contain parasites, bacteria and viruses that will cause you to sicken and maybe die. You do not have to travel for miles every day to a clean water source to provide water for your family. Yet many of us spend huge amounts of money every week buying water in single serving plastic bottles…which create quite another problem, by the way. But that is another story!

Until next time…

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Feel Good Friday...Surfice Dog Ricochet

Feel Good Friday…Surfice Dog Ricochet

Rather than focus on what you can’t do, focus on what you can do.

Ricochet was born, bred, and trained to be a service dog for someone with disabilities. She was also a golden retriever bird dog, with the emphasis on “bird”. She just couldn’t get the bird out of her system and get on with the service part. Here is a story of discovering what your gifts, skills and talents can be used for…even if it wasn’t what people thought they were going to be used for.
Go here:
Who would have thought…

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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