Friday, July 16, 2010

Feel Good Friday...The Miracle is You

Feel Good Friday…The Miracle is You

We rarely give much thought to the amazing bodies we live in. Every day you re-generate, rejuvenate some 300 billion cells in your body. Every day. Your bloods travels 60,000 miles on its trip around your circulatory system, your stomach and intestinal tract process raw material and turn it into energy, and your brain, well, simply amazing. Your eyes process more information than the best telescope can and who knows how big the computer would have to be to do what your brain does every day. You can heal broken bones, grow new skin and create new life. You are an amazing miracle.
And as amazing as it is it really does need some maintenance every day…just like your car needs tires and an oil change, your body needs good fuel, exercise and rest. Take care of it!
Here is the link to a really cool video about your body!

“Teaching Focus, Inspiring Transformation”

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